Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring Equinox 2012

We have always loved the Spring Equinox and the perfect balance between day/night as we move toward the summer.  We have also noticed that at this time of 'balance' or 'equal' time we usually find ourselves taking stock of things that may be out of balance so that we can add+ or subtract- energy in appropriate ways to achieve the balance we need in our day to day lives.  

Growing and nurturing this company has been like a garden in so many ways.  We just updated the website and 'pulled weeds' so to speak.  We also planted some links to the projects that are funded by SeThInk profits.  These projects include the Transition California Network, Global EcoVillage & Sustainable Communities Network, and the Believe Africa Network.  

Not only does SeThInk fiscally sponsor these networks but our team spends hundreds of hours annually managing and administrating these online communities so that they can grow and evolve to serve the global sustainability agenda.  

The Seeds of Sustainability program has been the primary source of revenue and our companies 10% Pledge to the Green Fire Foundation has been able to cover the hard expenses (example: server, subscription, websites etc).  

We just did a major update of the Seeds of Sustainability website and we are stoked that the private community network has grown to almost 500 people.  We have always believed that smaller communities versus ones with tens of thousands of members are more ideal for fostering and creating a real sense of community so we have never wasted time trying to recruit or attract members to any of our networks.  We have simply figured folks who are meant to be a part of the community always find a way to it.  It has been challenging at times being able to provide content and personal connection with everyone on all of our online communities but we strive as best we can and many community members have sent us emails of understanding and appreciation for our unpaid dedication and efforts.  

The 'unpaid' part is kinda tricky though because how can one measure compensation simply in monetary terms?  Our team has been blessed with abundance and have felt supported during this whole journey so we never feel 'unpaid'.  

In my last post I mentioned that our team was working on setting our 2012 goals and priorities.  We really feel like 2012 so far has proven to be quite unpredictable in terms of direction that we are going to play the safe game and simply act upon necessity and preference so that we can remain fluid and available for the 'moment'.  We have discussed a great deal about 'beyond 2012' and how after this year manifests itself a great deal of our goals and priorities will be able to more easily be accomplished and implemented. 

So for today in this perfect balance between day and night we are sending all of you our heartfelt blessings to you and yours.

In Sustainable Solidarity