Saturday, February 9, 2013

7 Year Leap Agenda

Everyone has heard of the 7 Year Itch but this year is the beginning of what we are calling our '7 Year Leap' Agenda.  

Normal businesses have 5 year plans max and most also have 'exit strategies'.  But SeThInk Media is anything but 'normal' - after all that is our motto to 'Think Outside of the Box'....

All of the work we have engaged in since the year 2000 was part of the Y2K to 2012 Agenda (probably been awhile since you thought of the Y2K collective freak out yeah?) We have succeeded in all of our main foundation building efforts and we are excited to be moving into the manifestation stage of over a decades worth of social research and experiments within the sustainability movement.  

The information we were able to gather during that time is sufficient for us to proceed with the actual on the ground manifestation of a Low Impact Sustainable Development agenda - the goal is a EcoVillage Education Center in Colorado. 

One of the benefits to having a long term plan is that through unbending intention it is inevitable that all the right pieces to a puzzle will come with time.  

The end goal for 2020 has always been helping to have established protocol and criteria for new zoning/building codes that allow for Low Impact Sustainable Development and building an EcoVillage Training Center that will serve as a viable model/prototype.  Everything we engage in has that vision at its core and we are so grateful to be walking this path with a multitude of individuals all over the world who have dedicated and committed their lives to parallel vision.  We are thankful to be beyond the noise of the 'end of time' and living in Year 1 Post 2012 Time Zone.  

The next 7 years will be quite a ride and we send everyone prayers for their well being and safety.  

In Sustainable Solidarity

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